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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - wink


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  1. моргание, мигание without a wink of the eyelid —- и глазом не моргнул; и бровью не повел 2. подмигивание to give smb. wink —- подмигнуть кому-л.; намекнуть кому-л. he gave me the wink that the lady was a friend of his —- он дал мне понять, что эта дама - его приятельница to tip (to give) smb. the wink —- разг. сделать предостерегающий знак кому-л., предупредить кого-л. 3. миг in a wink —- моментально Id: forty winks —- короткий (послеобеденный) сон Id: to have one's forty winks —- соснуть, вздремнуть Id: not a wink (of) —- ни капли, ни крошки (чего-л.) Id: not to get a wink of sleep, not to sleep a wink —- глаз не сомкнуть Id: not to see a wink —- совершенно ничего не видеть 4. моргать, мигать to wink tears away —- сморгнуть слезы 5. мигать, мерцать (о свете) 6. подмигивать; перемигиваться to wink at smb. —- подмигивать кому-л. 7. закрывать глаза (на что-л.); смотреть сквозь пальцы to wink at abuse —- не обращать внимания на злоупотребления 8. приходить к концу; угасать, меркнуть (обыкн. wink out) 9. спец. сигнализировать светом Id: to wink the other eye —- сл. взглянуть или улыбнуться недоверчиво ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  at  а) подмигивать кому-л.;  б) смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-л.; закрывать глаза на что-л. WINK  1. noun  1) моргание  2) подмигивание; to give a wink -  а) подмигнуть;  б) намекнуть  3) миг; in a wink - моментально not to sleep a wink, not to get a wink of sleep - не сомкнуть глаз a wink is as good as a nod - стоит лишь глазом моргнуть  2. v.  1) моргать, мигать  2) мерцать - wink at ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. close and open (one eye or both eyes) quickly. b intr. close and open an eye. 2 intr. (often foll. by at) wink one eye as a signal of friendship or greeting or to convey a message to a person. 3 intr. (of a light etc.) twinkle; shine or flash intermittently. --n. 1 the act or an instance of winking, esp. as a signal etc. 2 colloq. a brief moment of sleep (didn't sleep a wink). Phrases and idioms as easy as winking colloq. very easy. in a wink very quickly. wink at 1 purposely avoid seeing; pretend not to notice. 2 connive at (a wrongdoing etc.). Etymology: OE wincian f. Gmc: cf. WINCE(1), WINCH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wincian; akin to Old High German winchan to stagger, ~ and perhaps to Latin vacillare to sway, Sanskrit vancati he goes crookedly  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to shut one eye briefly as a signal or in teasing  2. to close and open the eyelids quickly  3. to avoid seeing or noting something — usually used with at  4. to gleam or flash intermittently ; t~le her glasses ~ing in the sunlight — Harper Lee  5.  a. to come to an end — usually used with out  b. to stop shining — usually used with out  6. to signal a message with a light  transitive verb  1. to cause to open and shut  2. to affect or influence by or as if by blinking the eyes  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a brief period of sleep ; nap catching a ~  2.  a. a hint or sign given by ~ing  b. an act of ~ing  3. the time of a ~ ; instant quick as a ~  4. a flicker of the eyelids ; blink ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (winks, winking, winked) 1. When you wink at someone, you look towards them and close one eye very briefly, usually as a signal that something is a joke or a secret. Brian winked at his bride-to-be... VERB: V at n • Wink is also a noun. I gave her a wink. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. If you say that you did not sleep a wink or did not get a wink of sleep, you mean that you tried to go to sleep but could not. (INFORMAL) I didn’t get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to close and open one eye quickly, usually to communicate amusement or a secret message + a  (Joel winked at me, and I realized he was joking.) 2 to shine with a light that flashes on and off  (the winking lights of buoys out to sea) wink at sth phr v to pretend not to notice something bad or illegal, in a way that suggests you approve of it ~2 n 1 a quick opening and closing of your eye, usually as a signal between people  (a conspiratorial wink) 2 not get a wink of sleep/not sleep a wink not be able to sleep at all 3 tip sb the wink to secretly warn someone about something or give them information 4 quick as a wink AmE very quickly  (- see also forty winks, a nod's as good as a wink nod2 (3)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  electron. abbr. Wicked Inband Noise Killer adult abbr. Were Innocent Not Kinky NASDAQ abbr. Wink Communications, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. wincian "to nod, wink," from P.Gmc. *wenkanan. The meaning "close an eye as a hint or signal" is first recorded c.1100; that of "close one's eyes to fault or irregularity" first attested c.1480. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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